Empowering Employees, Empowering Communities
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Staff Engagement

Staff engagement is a critical part of the Amgen Foundation’s community outreach and helps strengthen communities where Amgen staff members live and work.

Amgen staff members volunteer in classrooms to inspire students about the power of science
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Program Overview

Amgen staff volunteers bring a diversity of backgrounds and experiences and are valued contributors to our mission of bringing science to everyone. They offer their unique talents to innovative and collaborative education projects, serve as role models by providing insights into the world of STEM and share their career stories to inspire the next generation. Recognizing the importance of staff engagement, all Amgen staff members worldwide receive eight hours paid time off per year to volunteer their time and expertise to local causes.

In our United States and Puerto Rico communities, we further support staff members who give their time and talent through our Dollars for Doers Program. We also amplify staff monetary contributions to eligible nonprofits through our Matching Gifts Program. Each year, we are proud to participate in Giving Tuesday by supporting staff members’ charitable donations that day with a 2:1 match.

Our Goals

Research shows that volunteerism contributes to healthier and more resilient communities. In consultation with both our science education partners and Amgen staff, we have curated a range of meaningful ways for volunteers to extend the impact of the Amgen Foundation programs for students and educators. Staff from all geographies, disciplines and backgrounds have the opportunity to leverage their skill set to make a difference with a particular focus on reaching historically underserved populations and communities of higher need.

Volunteering opportunities range from career talks and classroom visits to mentorship, content development and translation work. Amgen staff have the option of engaging either in-person or remotely as well as individually or as part of a team.

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Explore Shareable Resources

In partnership with Science Buddies, we have developed free activity guides for a number of biotechnology-related activities. Feel free to use with your kids at home or partner with a local school to guide a class through hands-on science with simple, inexpensive materials! No scientific background necessary.


AP/College Biology

This activity is aimed at 5–11-year-olds.


High school Biology

This activity is aimed at 11–13-year-olds.

How We Measure Impact

A snapshot of our progress with Amgen staff engagement

96% of Amgen staff volunteers would recommend volunteering to their colleagues


cumulative total on Giving Tuesday, consisting of $1.3 million+ donated by more than 1,400 Amgen staff and double matched by the Amgen Foundation ($2.7 million)
$167 million
donated through our Matching Gifts Program since 2004
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“Every Amgen classroom volunteer we have had has been amazing. The life lessons learned and the challenges faced and overcome by the Amgen volunteers were so freely and humbly shared with our students. The questions the students asked indicated how engaged and reflective they were from the presentation experience!”

Wendy Wooten
Teacher, Greater Los Angeles
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